
Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I am really awful at this whole blog thing. I look at everyone's blogs at least once a day, but then I look at mine, and say, "Eh, maybe later." The energy to think of something fun, witty, or interesting to write about seems to escape me...daily.

But, here's a recap of life lately:

I am going to be 16 weeks pregnant on Friday. Whoa nelly! The pregnancy has been fairly normal except for one little hiccup a couple of weeks ago. Basically, I began bleeding and Matt and I rushed to the hospital. The good news: The baby is fine. We actually got to see it and it looks so different from the last ultrasound. It's little legs and arms were moving all around. It was such a relief. The bad news: My placenta is right on top of my cervix. There is a fairly good chance it will move to where it's supposed to be, but if it doesn't I will be dealing with placenta previa. Read: More bleeding, Bedrest, Possible preterm labor, C-section. So, please pray that my placenta will move up to its correct spot so that we can avoid all of those "fun issues."

My next visit to the doctor is in about 2 1/2 weeks (Sept. 5th). That's where we'll find out what we're having and also see what my placenta has done. Anyone who has been brave enough to guess what we're having says a boy. I have no idea one way or another. And, honestly, don't care. I just want this baby to be healthy. I know, that is so cliche. But also, so true.

I already have a plan for 2 more blogs, so be on the lookout. Bethany tagged me for a picture blog, which I plan to do tomorrow on my day off. Also, through the whole "hiccup" a couple of weeks ago God was doing some cool stuff in my heart. And I want to share a little more about that.

But, for now, can anyone believe how many times I typed the word placenta in this blog? Pregnancy seems to throw modesty out the window. :)


Sarah said...

You can say it as often as you want, just don't name the baby Placenta like that one chic...

Sara said...

I'm so glad you finally wrote something more on here! You don't have to TRY to be funny, smart or witty - all those attributes just flow so naturally out of you! BLOG MORE OFTEN!!! :)

Bethany said...

Hey! Glad you updated, good to hear about what's going on with you... will definitely be praying for your placenta. And its all good, you may remember I asked people to pray for my cervix at one point during my pregnancy? ;)
And yay! Glad you're doing the picture blog!