
Thursday, May 24, 2012


I am one spoiled 30 year old!  Today has been a great day, which I owe much of that to my sweet husband. 

First, I walked into work to this scene:
My co-worker friends decorated my office, and Matt contributed the poster hanging on the front of my desk.  Let me give you a close-up of the poster pics.

For the third year in a row, our office celebrated May birthdays on my actual birthday.  So, I got to enjoy a yummy breakfast with my co-workers, which is always a fun way to start the workday.

After work I headed to Parker's school and picked him up. His teacher helped remind him to give me a card, which included a homemade coupon.
Matt told me that when he asked Parker what he wanted to get me for my birthday, he said clothes.  Um, that's my boy.  Anyways, he specifically wanted to get me a pink dress, purple shoes, and an orange shirt.  Matt decided to put a limit on it and just let Parker get me a pink dress.

Matt had told me that Parker and I couldn't come home until 6:15, so we went shopping right then.  That didn't leave us a ton of time, so we just went across the street to Walmart and ended up being successful in our quest for a pink dress.  It was a simple bathing suit cover-up, which I needed anyways.

When we got home at 6:15 we walked into a group of friends there to surprise me with a dinner party.

Matt made some super yummy salmon and tilapia, while our friends brought sides of rice and asparagus.  They also brought their dishes on a plate for me to keep for my plate wall.  Fun!  The kids enjoyed their grilled cheese sandwiches and fruit. 

The cake was a stack of brownies - my favorite!


And why wouldn't I have a birthday party without a little dance party in the hallway?

Last but not least, Matt got me my very first pair of Toms (really late to the game, I know).  I love them and the color.  Perfect!

All in all, today has been a great day that has just reminded me how much I am blessed with sweet family and friends.  I've told several people today that I feel like I deserve 30.  It doesn't weird me out or scare me.  I've felt 30 for awhile now, and now I can finally claim it.

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