
Saturday, April 7, 2012


We got a very thoughtful card in the mail yesterday that said, "Thinking of you at Easter."  And the people who sent it put it so well - We continue to pray for your family and we especially remember you at Easter.  Praise God for the promise of Eternal Life that Easter brings!  For we know one day soon we will see Graham! 

Easter has always been a special celebration to our family.  This is what the Christian faith all boils down to - we worship a Savior who died on the cross for our sins, and rose three days later and is alive even now.  Working His purpose out through our lives.  What a paradox to call the day that Jesus was crucified on the cross Good Friday.  Yet, it was good.  Without Good Friday, we wouldn't have the forgiveness of sins, the assurance of salvation, the ability to have a personal and initimate relationship with the one, true God. 

As I was sitting in our Good Friday service last night at church I couldn't help but think of my Graham.  God knows what it's like to lose a son.  An innocent son.  During my grief journey I have reached out and sought people who have been in similar situations as me.  To tell me that the feelings and emotions I am experiencing are normal.  Yet, the God I serve and love knows and feels these same things.  I believe He is mourning right alongside me.

I also thought of Graham because without the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, there would be no assurance, no promise that we have Heaven ahead of us.  The promise of eternal life means so much more to me than it ever has.  Heaven to me = Graham.  And I know there is so, so, so much more in Heaven than my Graham, but that is all I can think of right now. 

Before last week, I knew Graham was in Heaven because the God I serve is compassionate and loving.  I just knew that my sweet, innocent baby was in Heaven.  I didn't need assurance.  Yet, last week, I was given some.  Dr. Patterson, the president of Southwestern Baptist Seminary, was preaching on the life of David in chapel.  He has been doing a whole sermon series this semester, but in this part of David's story he was focusing on David & Bathsheba, and also the death of their child.  You can find the story in 2 Samuel 11-12.  During the sermon he specifically pointed to 2 Samuel 12:23

"But now he is dead. Why should I fast? Can I bring him back again?
I shall go to him, but he will not return to me.”

David says, upon hearing the news of the death of his newborn son, that he will go to him [in heaven], but he will not return [here to earth].  We have read this passage many times, especially since finding out about Graham's diagnosis and then his passing.  But I never looked at that verse specifically as the biblical assurance that our son, Graham, is in Heaven.  It isn't some fairytale we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better.  It is the truth. 

I hope that today, on the LONG Saturday between Jesus' death and resurrection, that you have assurance of eternal life.  That you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  Because He is that and so much more. 

If you don't have that assurance today, I pray that you would find it.  Please find someone to talk to about it - a local pastor, a Christian friend, or even me.  Email me and I would love to pray for you and let you know more about my Savior.  Or you can go here:  Whatever you do, please don't wait to make the most important decision of your life.

Because I want you to meet Graham, too.  But so much more than that, I want you to meet Jesus.

1 comment:

Amanda Reeves said...

So inspiration! Moved me to tears, you should look into writing a book or bible study! I hope that your Easter is wonderful! God bless you and your wonderful family.