
Saturday, March 3, 2012

One Month

I've been thinking about writing this post for the past week or so, knowing that Graham's one month "birthday" was coming up.  It has been a bit of a hard week passing and coming up to some milestones.  First off, if we would have had our way and Graham would have been completely healthy, we were planning on delivering Graham on leap day.  There were a lot of people who thought it was fun, and there were also a lot of people who thought it was a silly idea.  However, we really liked the idea of having a "special" birthday for this baby.  Little did we know that he was already special in his own way.  Also, today is not only one month since Graham was born and passed away, but it is also his original due date.

I've decided that I want to blog through this journey - the journey of finding out our new normal without a member of our family.  I posted on Caring Bridge ( before Graham was born, but I mostly tried to keep it as impersonal as possible.  I tried to just give updates in the form of medical information and specific prayer requests.  Now, though, I want to have an outlet to be honest about how I'm feeling and how this grief journey is the hardest and strangest thing I have been on.

There are, of course, a ton of things that have been floating around in my mind since Graham passed away.  The thing that sticks out the most to me is how absolutely shocked I was about Graham's death.  We knew for four months how sick Graham was and what all the percentages were on his survival rate.  I knew it.  I thought about it constantly.  I cried so very hard about it.  And honestly, I had spent a good amount of time thinking about what life would look like if Graham passed away, how the memorial service would go, what we would do with his body.  Yet, when the NICU doctors walked into the room with the look in their eyes that said he wasn't going to make it, I was in an absolute state of shock.  How in the world was this really happening to me?  This happens to other people.  I read about it on other people's blogs and am so touched and sad about it, but this cannot be my life.  I really thought that I had no hope for Graham's survival, but looking back now, I realize that I did.  I didn't set up Graham's room and I didn't pull out clothes for him.  But when they pulled Graham out of me and rushed him to the resucitation room, I could only have hope.  Looking back now, I am glad that I did.  I am glad that, in the end, I believed that God could perform a miracle.  Many people, including myself, say that He still did.  And I believe that.  But I knew that my God was big enough to make Graham healthy enough to survive in this world.  And for that I am thankful.

After my initial shock and denial wore off (and that lasted at least a week), I am finding myself turn more towards anger.  I am angry about the whole situation.  I am angry that one blocked ureter can cause so many problems.  It's just peeing, for goodness sakes!  How in the world can the inability to pee take an innocent baby's life?  I'm angry that I didn't get to hear Graham's cry, that I didn't get to go upstairs in the NICU and see Graham moving around, that I didn't get to hold him and look into his eyes at the same time.  I'm angry that I had to deal with the physical pain of my milk coming in.  I was taking pain medicine for that more than the pain of the incision.  I'm angry that we received his death certificate before we recieved his birth certificate.  I'm angry that I now have an insurance card with his name on it in my wallet.  I'm angry that we paid a lot of money in medical bills for surgeries, procedures, and doctor appointments that, in the end, were unable to save my son's life.  I'm angry that Parker doesn't get to be a big brother in the "normal" sense.  He absolutely loves babies, and yet only got to hold Graham for a couple of minutes.  I'm angry that I've seen several people who know what happened to us, yet choose to say nothing.  It's like Graham's death is the big elephant in the room and no one wants to mention it.  But I do!  I want to talk about Graham so badly. 

I'm sure the previous paragraph just scared some of you.  Please don't think I've jumped off the deep end, or that I'm now a constantly angry and bitter person.  I just realize even more how very unfair this world is.  And it makes me long for heaven so much more.  

OK, I've shared a lot more than I thought I would, yet there is so much more to say.  But this is probably a good snapshot of where we are at in our grief journey right now.  I've been told by people who have walked a similar path that our journey will be long.  We will see so many stages of grief that we can't even keep up.  And it will seem like we are doing better, and then be set off by something else.  I can already see a small snapshot of that in this past month - there are days when I'm OK and days that I am far from it.  But the best part is that, not for one day, have I felt alone.  Even when I feel like no one else here on this earth understands, I have received much comfort from my heavenly Father who I know understands completely, and is beside me grieving as well. 


Janell said...

Erin, thank you so much for sharing your heart and your grief process with us. It really helps me to know how to pray for you. I really don't know what else to say except to tell you that God has brought you and your family to mind so often this past month and I will continue to pray for you every time He does so.

Joyful Mama said...

Thank you for sharing Erin. I hope blogging through this journey will be healing for you and inspiring for others. We love and will continue to pray for your family.

Emily Rose said...

i'm glad you shared! love you. praying for you.

dear willow, said...

I love this post and your honesty. We lost our son at 24 weeks and I was saying "oh my goodness, yes!" while reading about your anger. Doesn't mean we love God any less, just means we're mommas and wanna snuggle with our baby boys, I'm angry I didn't get to feel his warm body. Praying for you! (I'm a friend of Emily and Ethan)

Kelly said...

Praying for you my sweet friend! Praying for peace and comfort that can only come from Him. Praying for this up and down thing that I can't imagine going through and yet you are and doing it with such honesty & strength. Praising God for your testimony and honestly for the faith that you have in our Lord. I love you!

Amanda T. said...

Praying for you continually! It is good to share no matter what the emotion you feel. And talking about Graham will help.

Mark and Cari said...

Erin your post is so encouraging and you are such a strong woman! I am so happy to watch how God is working through and in you and Matt during this time.....On a more fun note - I noticed that Parker and I share the same birthday! How fun!

Sara said...

SOOOO glad you wrote this very honest blog post, and SOOO hoping you continue! You have much to grieve, and much to say, and I know all your "fans", including and especially ME, want to be a part of each step, right alongside you.

Anonymous said...

Erin, I am so glad that you shared your blog and thoughts with us! I can't imagine what you are going through.I have been thinking about you and your family and will continue to pray for you!! Sending hugs your way!!

Lapiz de la Guerra said...

Oh Erin, my heart goes out to you. I have a bit of an idea of the many emotions you and your family are dealing best friend's son is terminally ill and has been little more than a vegetable for the last 2.5 years of his life (He will be 3 in June). Hayden is not my son, but I consider his family to be my family, and we've been through some of those same frustrations and feelings. There isn't anything that can ever take the pain away from losing someone you love (or knowing that you'll lose them sooner than you want), but the ache does ease over time. I will be praying for you and your family and I hope that you continue to talk about your feelings; keeping them inside will only make the pain of your heart worse. Take care and much love to you and yours!

Kimberly Isbell Patino said...

Erin, my heart breaks for you but at the same time you inspire me with your honesty and bravery! God is so good to His children in that when we do suffer heartbreak He comforts us in a way that only He can! I will continue to pray for you guys and hope that one day you will be able to be a blessing and encouragement to others! Thank you for sharing your journey! I know you look forward to the fact that you will see your sweet Graham one in heaven!

Anonymous said...

Erin, putting your feelings down in writing not only helps you analyze and deal with them, but it allows those around you to know how you are dealing with all of this. You don't always have to be noble, brave and spiritually can have a screaming crying fit any time you need one.
As for people who don't know what to say, most of them are more afraid of saying the wrong thing. They are afraid of causing your tears on one of those rare days when you might be enjoying life's distractions. And if they are anything like me, they are afraid to start crying themselves, when they have no right to your deep sorrow. But hopefully your addressing this issue will help them to picture themselves struggling under this huge weight and hoping someone would come along side and hold up one corner with you. When I went through a difficult loss, I actually wanted to be around people who wanted to discuss it, or people who knew nothing about it...but nothing in between.
I am praying for you,

Unknown said...

Hi I am visiting from Kelly's link up. I am so very sorry. This is a difficult path. My son was born sleeping 1-24-12. I have been angry many times do not be hard on yourself it is a normal part of grief. I am saying a prayer fro you now.

Kristy said...

Erin, I actually prayed for you and your sweet family before your baby was born. During that time I was pregnant with my little boy. We think that Grant had PUV also but don't know just yet. Praying for you as you are on this journey also. You can email me at any time if you want another mommy to talk to at kristybybee[at]mac[dot]com.