
Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday Ramblings

So, it's Monday, and I am at home because there is a congested little boy lying on the couch next to me. I know I am home 3 days a week, but it feels different because I should be at work today. And there is definitely stuff to do as summer is quickly approaching.

Parker is super congested and coughing a ton. I hate seeing my baby sick. This morning, when Matt was feeding him at 6:00, Parker was having an awful time eating. We were only able to get about 2.5 ounces in him, and then he threw it all up. He was hungry, but just couldn't keep any breastmilk/formula down. I called into the nurse at the hospital and after suggesting everything we had done/were doing, she told us to go into the doctor. So, off to the doctor Parker and I went. Fortunately, the congestion is all in his head and not in his lungs. But the doctor said it would probably take about a week for this to play out. Ugh.

In good news, though, Matt and I are having a fun time planning for our fifth anniversary. We are looking forward to Friday, May 15th, when we will spend the night in a hotel in Austin while my parents watch the Park-man. We were able to book the Hyatt Regency on Town Lake in downtown off of Priceline. I was really nervous bidding for a hotel without knowing which one we would get, but I am really excited about the Hyatt! And it's funny because Matt and I are talking about all the things we want to do that night/next day and the list is getting quite long. Right now: a movie, clothes shopping for our trimmer figures, couples massage, and lots of good food! :)

OK - there. Another blog this month! I think I didn't blog as much because I wanted each blog to be meaningful and purposeful, not just a lot of random stuff about our everyday life. But if I wait for that, then we could be waiting a long time (as witnessed before).


Bethany said...

I love that you are back to blogging! Its fun just getting to read about normal everyday stuff! :) Poor lil Parker- I hope he gets to feeling better soon! We have gone round and round with congestion/colds and every time for Charlie it ends up in an ear infection, so he has to get tubes put in May 6th. Its so hard seeing your baby not feeling well!!

Sarah said...

I am impressed with the double blog. And I am sorry Mr. Parker is still sick :(. It always sounds like their chest is congested and then the doctor listens and is like " all clear" it makes you want to slap them!