
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Random Thoughts

I feel the need to blog, but I'm not quite sure what I want to say. It's just been one of those weeks. So, in an effort to keep you updated but where I don't feel like I have to be super-eloquent, here's a list of thoughts:

-Matt and I decided last night that Parker needs to be "Super-Why" for Halloween. Not because he loves the show, but rather because he is the king of asking Why? questions.
Exhibit A:
Parker, it's time to eat.
Because it’s dinnertime and we’re having pasta
But why are we having pasta?
Because you really like it and it’s yummy.
But why do I really like it?
Um, I don’t know. Why do you like pasta, Parker?
Because I do.
We picked up Parker from church on Sunday night and they said, “Boy, he sure does love to ask questions, doesn’t he?” Um, yes.

-We received both Parker’s and Graham’s birth certificates in the mail today. When we received Graham’s death certificate in the mail I told Matt that I really wanted to order his birth certificate, too. There was no way I wanted to only have his death certificate. And, like the awesome parents that we are, we had never ordered Parker’s birth certificate either. So, both of them came in today and it was tough to see the stamp that said “Deceased” on Graham’s. I had heard they might do that through some blogs that I read, but was hoping that wasn’t the case for Texas. Oh well.

-The month of May is pretty much the best month in my little world. Mother’s Day this Sunday, mine and Matt’s 8th anniversary this upcoming Tuesday (the 15th), and then – watch out – my 30th birthday on the 24th. I am excited about celebrating these occasions with my family, and it seems like we have some fun stuff in the works. There is much to look forward to right now.

-Speaking of Mother’s Day, I am hoping it is a good day for me. Thankfully I still have Parker here with me, but I am not sure yet how I will feel on that day without both of my boys. I am so thankful that the Lord has given me the chance to be a mother to 2 sweet boys. But there are some people who will be having a very hard time this Sunday. The women who long so badly to be a mother, but are unable to for a number of reasons. The women who are mothers, but their baby and/or babies are not here with them anymore. The women who are missing their own mothers. Would you join with me in being mindful of and praying for those who will be struggling to smile or celebrate on this Mother’s Day?

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