
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My 8s

My8s (tagged by Sarah)

8 things I am looking forward to
1. My birthday on Sunday
2. Going out to dinner with Matt, Casey & Sarah, and Marcus.
3. Watching Parker grow up
4. Swimming this summer
5. Moving into a bigger house
6. Getting to my goal weight
7. Big Brother starting in July
8. My next vacation

8 things I did yesterday
1. Played with Parker
2. Made a video at church
3. Made turkey sausage jambalaya - yum!
4. Watched The Bachelorette on the DVR
5. Got into bed at 9:00 and read
6. Tried (unsuccessfully) to find a babysitter for next Saturday
7. Did some laundry
8. Made plans with Sarah while the boys are at the baseball game

8 things I wish I could do
1. Have unlimited funds to shop with
2. Get paid to travel
3. Stay at home with Parker full-time
4. Find a new job for Matt
5. Fit into a certain pair of jeans in my closet
6. Hire a maid
7. Stop being such a worry wart about everything
8. Run - and enjoy it

8 shows I watch
1. The Biggest Loser
2. Survivor
3. The Amazing Race
4. Grey's Anatomy
5. Private Practice
6. The Real Housewives of...
7. CSI (The original)
8. 48 Hours Mystery

8 people I tag


carlyb1983 said...

i did NOT like running about 6 mos ago, but now i cant go a week without it! you can do it, just start slowly...Happy Early Birthday!!

Bethany said...

Thanks for the tag! :)

Sarah said...

We can babysit for you next Saturday, if you don't mind us keeping Parker at our house that is. Just let us know. :)